Massachusetts Vascular Plants
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The flora of Massachusetts embraces more than three thousand species of vascular plants including non-natives. Taxonomy in this view largely follows Massachusetts County Checklist of 2011. As of today, the gallery contains 37,485 photos of 2,233 taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, and hybrids) mostly from southeastern Massachusetts. Species flagged exotic and cultivated are excluded from the count, thus leaving 2,102 species from the flora of Massachusetts. However, this filtering is not applied to thumbnail views. In other words, links to genera and families may lead to photos of some exotic/cultivated taxa, for example, those previously erroneously included in the flora (such as exotic willows Salix pentandra or S. aurita).

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Lycophytes — Clubmosses, Quillworts, Spikemosses (16 taxa, 210 images)

Isoetaceae   3 taxa  
Lycopodiaceae   11 taxa  
Selaginellaceae   2 taxa  

Monilophytes [*] — Ferns and Horsetails (52 taxa, 1,159 images)

Aspleniaceae   3 taxa  
Azollaceae   1 taxon  
Blechnaceae   2 taxa  
Dennstaedtiaceae   3 taxa  
Dryopteridaceae   8 taxa  
Equisetaceae   6 taxa  
Marsileaceae   1 taxon  
Onocleaceae   2 taxa  
Ophioglossaceae   4 taxa  
Osmundaceae   3 taxa  
Polypodiaceae   2 taxa  
Pteridaceae   2 taxa  
Schizaeaceae   1 taxon  
Thelypteridaceae   5 taxa  
Woodsiaceae   9 taxa  

Gymnosperms — Conifers (35 taxa, 985 images)

Cupressaceae   8 taxa  
Pinaceae   24 taxa  
Taxaceae   3 taxa  

Monocots (515 taxa, 7,649 images)

Acoraceae   2 taxa  
Agavaceae   1 taxon  
Alismataceae   8 taxa  
Amaryllidaceae   18 taxa  
Araceae   13 taxa  
Arecaceae   1 taxon  
Asparagaceae   2 taxa  
Asphodelaceae   15 taxa  
Colchicaceae   3 taxa  
Commelinaceae   4 taxa  
Cyperaceae   159 taxa  
Eriocaulaceae   2 taxa  
Haemodoraceae   1 taxon  
Hydrocharitaceae   6 taxa  
Hypoxidaceae   1 taxon  
Iridaceae   20 taxa  
Juncaceae   22 taxa  
Juncaginaceae   1 taxon  
Liliaceae   11 taxa  
Melanthiaceae   8 taxa  
Nartheciaceae   1 taxon  
Orchidaceae   18 taxa  
Poaceae   160 taxa  
Pontederiaceae   2 taxa  
Potamogetonaceae   12 taxa  
Ruppiaceae   1 taxon  
Ruscaceae   8 taxa  
Scheuchzeriaceae   1 taxon  
Smilacaceae   3 taxa  
Typhaceae   6 taxa  
Xyridaceae   4 taxa  
Zosteraceae   1 taxon  

Magnoliid Complex — Primitive Dicots (24 taxa, 537 images)

Aristolochiaceae   7 taxa  
Cabombaceae   2 taxa  
Calycanthaceae   1 taxon  
Ceratophyllaceae   2 taxa  
Lauraceae   2 taxa  
Magnoliaceae   6 taxa  
Nymphaeaceae   4 taxa  

Eudicots (Tricolpates) * — Advanced Dicots (1,591 taxa, 26,945 images)

Acanthaceae   1 taxon  
Actinidiaceae   1 taxon  
Adoxaceae   20 taxa  
Aizoaceae   2 taxa  
Altingiaceae   1 taxon  
Amaranthaceae   37 taxa  
Anacardiaceae   10 taxa  
Annonaceae   1 taxon  
Apiaceae   35 taxa  
Apocynaceae   18 taxa  
Aquifoliaceae   9 taxa  
Araliaceae   11 taxa  
Asteraceae   230 taxa  
Balsaminaceae   1 taxon  
Berberidaceae   8 taxa  
Betulaceae   24 taxa  
Bignoniaceae   4 taxa  
Boraginaceae   16 taxa  
Brassicaceae   57 taxa  
Buxaceae   3 taxa  
Cactaceae   1 taxon  
Campanulaceae   13 taxa  
Cannabaceae   4 taxa  
Caprifoliaceae   24 taxa  
Caryophyllaceae   41 taxa  
Celastraceae   9 taxa  
Cercidiphyllaceae   1 taxon  
Cistaceae   12 taxa  
Cleomaceae   1 taxon  
Clethraceae   1 taxon  
Convolvulaceae   11 taxa  
Cornaceae   13 taxa  
Crassulaceae   11 taxa  
Cucurbitaceae   5 taxa  
Diapensiaceae   2 taxa  
Droseraceae   4 taxa  
Ebenaceae   1 taxon  
Elaeagnaceae   2 taxa  
Elatinaceae   1 taxon  
Ericaceae   53 taxa  
Euphorbiaceae   14 taxa  
Fabaceae   80 taxa  
Fagaceae   26 taxa  
Gentianaceae   10 taxa  
Geraniaceae   7 taxa  
Grossulariaceae   8 taxa  
Haloragaceae   7 taxa  
Hamamelidaceae   2 taxa  
Hydrangeaceae   9 taxa  
Hypericaceae   12 taxa  
Iteaceae   1 taxon  
Juglandaceae   8 taxa  
Lamiaceae   56 taxa  
Lardizabalaceae   1 taxon  
Lentibulariaceae   10 taxa  
Linaceae   5 taxa  
Linderniaceae   2 taxa  
Lythraceae   3 taxa  
Malvaceae   13 taxa  
Melastomataceae   1 taxon  
Menispermaceae   1 taxon  
Menyanthaceae   3 taxa  
Molluginaceae   1 taxon  
Montiaceae   2 taxa  
Moraceae   4 taxa  
Myricaceae   3 taxa  
Nelumbonaceae   1 taxon  
Nyctaginaceae   1 taxon  
Oleaceae   16 taxa  
Onagraceae   17 taxa  
Orobanchaceae   18 taxa  
Oxalidaceae   6 taxa  
Paeoniaceae   1 taxon  
Papaveraceae   14 taxa  
Paulowniaceae   1 taxon  
Penthoraceae   1 taxon  
Phrymaceae   2 taxa  
Phytolaccaceae   1 taxon  
Plantaginaceae   35 taxa  
Platanaceae   1 taxon  
Plumbaginaceae   1 taxon  
Polemoniaceae   6 taxa  
Polygalaceae   6 taxa  
Polygonaceae   47 taxa  
Portulacaceae   2 taxa  
Primulaceae   16 taxa  
Ranunculaceae   41 taxa  
Rhamnaceae   3 taxa  
Rosaceae   149 taxa  
Rubiaceae   21 taxa  
Rutaceae   4 taxa  
Salicaceae   58 taxa  
Santalaceae   3 taxa  
Sapindaceae   22 taxa  
Sarraceniaceae   1 taxon  
Saxifragaceae   6 taxa  
Scrophulariaceae   9 taxa  
Simaroubaceae   1 taxon  
Solanaceae   24 taxa  
Staphyleaceae   1 taxon  
Styracaceae   2 taxa  
Symplocaceae   1 taxon  
Tamaricaceae   1 taxon  
Theaceae   1 taxon  
Thymelaeaceae   2 taxa  
Tropaeolaceae   1 taxon  
Ulmaceae   8 taxa  
Urticaceae   7 taxa  
Verbenaceae   6 taxa  
Violaceae   28 taxa  
Vitaceae   10 taxa  
